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How will the production knives affect your custom work?

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It has had a tremendous effect on my custom work and has tried the patience of everyone who has custom orders with me. Fortunately, the vast majority of my customers have understood the situation and are waiting patiently for their custom orders, and I thank them all for that. Very few people ever get the opportunity to undertake deeds that impact others in a positive way. Emerson Knives was given this opportunity and acted on it. We now employ over 40 people full-time and provide employment for literally hundreds of others in the cutlery industry in an auxiliary manner through licensing, manufacturing, retail sales and distribution of our product.

Many, many people now pay their mortgages and put their children through school because of what we have done. Did I know this would affect time of delivery on my customs – yes. Did I make a choice – yes. Fortunately we have proven this to be the correct choice and our decision now serves a greater good. Starting, growing and managing a major production facility has taken almost 100% of my time for the last 2 ½ years. I now have trusted and loyal personnel in place to do those jobs for me. This has allowed me to get back in to my custom shop and working on chipping away at my custom orders. We are slow, but steady, and will continue to fill the custom orders as fast as we can. Thank you again for your understanding and patience in waiting for an Emerson Custom knife.

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