Brought to You by Emerson Knives. Donated by the Order of The Black Shamrock. Made Possible by Mary Emerson. It is that time of the year again. A time when we can all be thankful for friends, family, and loved ones. But some do not have so much to be…
Here is the Emerson Knife Book Update . As some of you may know we are compiling a book on the CQC-7 knife. A book written by you. The owners and users who are the ones who can really tell the stories. And we’ve had a tremendous response. But after thinking…

Sometimes it’s hard to find a word to describe an Emerson Knife or the feeling it conjures up when held in your hand. In this case, for this knife, the word is Spectrum; that which covers a wide range of possibilities or probabilities. This is a full spectrum knife. It…

Annual Summer Auction & Lottery CQC-7 Story- For More Info Click HERE WINNERS 1. CQC-5 Thomas Ryan 2. CQC-6 Ryan Morris 3. CQC-6 Rick Delmont 4. CQC-7 Richurd Katchuck 5. CQC-8 Garrick Anson 6. CQC-10 Milan Kostur 7. CQC-11 Gregorio Quevedo 8. CQC-12 David Moon 9. CQC-13 Remington Reed…

Dear Friends, As some of you might be aware of I am getting ready to publish 4 books this spring and I have been on a real writing binge. And there are actually 4 more books in various stages that I’m working on as time permits. But, I had an…

View on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvjZKBT0mJqvl7gA9JnNzJw and http://www.ustream.tv/channel/emerson-online-lottery TIME CHANGE ** Lottery will be held at 4 PM PST, Friday December 12th ** Christmas Custom Knife Lottery will be held Friday December 12th at 4 PM PST. Auction Opens Friday December 12th and closes on Friday December 19th. CLICK THE LINKS BELOW TO VIEW AUCTION …

New: New Limited Edition Runs Emerson Knives Emerson Knives, Inc. is proud to announce new exclusive “Special” knives. These models will only be produced in runs of 120 units or less and will be available direct from www.emersonknives.com only. Once these “Special” models are sold out they will no longer be available….

Click Here to View the Winners Here is a chance to attend a real Emerson Lottery so that those of you who are not able to attend a knife show in person get an equal chance to purchase an Emerson Custom Hand Made Knife at the Emerson table…

The 5th Emerson Virtual Knife Show and Auction WINNERS WILL BE CONTACTED MONDAY JUNE 10th WINNERS LISTED BELOW Slim Pike-Richard Katchuk CQC-5 Tarek Mirshak Mini Gypsy Jack-Georgio Quevedo Soiree-Augustine Morales Super A100-James Adams Hatin-Johnathan Kelly Tiger-Jeffery Siggers Dragoon-Vincent Swaans ECS Combat Fighter-Eric Grover CQC-6 Michael Rumohr Centurion-Charlie Gunderson Government Mule A-Daniel Rom Azek…